Here at T2 Tuition, we strongly believe that each child has an innate right to quality education. That’s why we have a vision for change.
Each tutor provides a service to your child, with these values at the core:
- Overview: Children are first given an opportunity to introduce themselves how they best feel comfortable. We work to comprehend the student and their style of learning before the learning begins
- Understanding: Tutors and students build a relationship, one in which both tutor and student understand each others approach. We aim to tailor our teaching styles to each individual student and their needs
- Inquisitive: we encourage our students to ask question. Tuition isn’t restricted simply to the exam questions they’ll be sitting at the end of the academic year, but to everyday life situations
- Creative: we aim to teach children Maths, English and Science in the most creative and comprehensive way possible. We strive to ensure each child has gone away having learnt something new every session
- Earnest: we don’t scare easy. We don’t give up
- Students are allocated groups based on their chosen subject and age group
- Each session runs for 2 hours, with an allocated break of 10 mins between each hour. Both hours are spent focusing on one subject
- Group sizes do not exceed a maximum of 6 students per tutor
- Nearing exam season, SAT’s, GCSE and A Levels, students are given extra attention. Free printing is available to the students and extra sessions are introduced to ensure optimum learning in preparation for their final exams
- All of our tutors have a calm and approachable demeanour to make your child’s experience the best it can possibly be
- ENROLMENT: Pop in with your child for a free consultation
- ASSESSMENT: Your child will be required to take a short inital assessment to determine areas for development
- PLAN: A tailored learning plan will be given, suited for your child and their success
- SESSIONS: Your child will be assigned weekly sessions where the T2 Team can address their areas of weakness
- PROGRESSION: Regular assessments will be taken to monitor your child’s learning