We are an Ofsted Registered Childcare Centre providing childcare and tuition, all in one. You can be confident that your child/children and their needs are in safe hands. All necessary information regarding your child, including learning abilities, difficulties and medical records are taken into account and recorded. We ask parents for updates regularly, should there be any changes.

Being an Ofsted registered tuition centre assures you that:-

Our policies are designed to ensure full safety of your children

-Our premise has been designed in a manner that is suitable for children and their safety

-All staff with unsupervised access to children have undergone Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks(previously CRB checks)-At least one staff member has had First Aid training

-At least one staff member has had appropriate training regarding the Common Core Skills-We accept Childcare Vouchers, please check with your employer if you are eligible.

-If you are entitled to Working Tax Credits, you can claim up to 70% of your tuition fees.

Childcare element of Tax Credit:

If you are a working parent, You may be able to get extra tax credits to help with childcare costs.You could get up to 70% of the childcare costs you are claiming for, up to a maximum of £175 a week for one child and £300 a week for two or more children.

Childcare Voucher Schemes:

For parents, childcare vouchers enable you to choose the type of childcare that is right for your family. Both parents, if em-ployed can use the scheme through their respective employers, saving them, between £1246 and £2740 per annum.